Cash Discount

Our cash discounting program enables any business to offset 100% of its processing costs and offer a discount to any customer paying with cash or check. If you sell $100, you keep $100 when customers pay with any payment method.

You never have to worry about paying for credit card processing again!

History Of Cash Discounting

Cash discounting has a long history. Gas stations were among the first to offer discounts to cash-paying customers as a cushion against rising oil prices and card processing fees.

With the passage of the Durbin Amendment, which ushered in the capping of debit card interchange, also included a provision expressly protecting the rights of businesses that wish to offer discounts for cash or other specific payment types.

Compliant Signage

Rules prohibit merchants to make a profit on credit card transactions, therefore merchants must post pricing appropriately and with the proper signage when implementing a compliant cash discount program in-store.

Proper signage clearly indicating participation in a cash discount program must be posted at both entryways and at the point of sale. 

Software Automation

If there is a fee for processing a credit card or a discount provided for paying cash, it must be a clear line item on the customer’s payment options and receipt.

In order to avoid overcharging and ensure proper line-item display on each transaction, compliant software enables your point of sale terminal to automatically apply the discount that covers the merchant processing cost to ensure accuracy and compliance with the program.

Customer Receipts

Maintain compliance and show only discounts applied to cash sales with no additional service fees listed on the receipt.

Main Benefits

✅ No "service fee"

✅ Offer a discount for cash sales

✅ Upgrade your POS or Terminal

✅ 100% compliant with card brands

✅ Eliminate processing fees 

✅ Create Substantial savings!

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